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9 Mistakes to Avoid so You don't snore Anymore

Comfort Finds

Room temperature, misplaced pillow, sleeping medication... What are the everyday mistakes that can encourage snoring, and how can it be remedied? Dr. Gilles Besnainou, an ENT doctor in Paris, takes stock.

Warning: If snoring is large, persistent and is accompanied by fatigue, see an ENT. It can be a sign of sleep apnea, a respiratory disease with serious health consequences.
Sleeping on your back
What for? "On the back, the tongue tilts and closes the spaces at the pharynx which promotes snoring," explains Dr. Gilles Besnainou, AN ENT doctor. Indeed, "when there is obstruction of the upper airways, the tissue of these pathways vibrates when the air passes during sleep: this is the very definition of snoring," recalls the doctor.

How do I do that? "It's best to sleep on your stomach or possibly on your side. A trick to do this is to sew a tennis ball cut in half in the back of her pajamas: it will prevent lying on her back, suggests Dr. Besnainou.
Falling asleep with a stuffy nose

What for? If the nasal pits are blocked, the inspired airflow will be stronger and therefore the airway tissues will vibrate louder and the snoring will be more audible.
How do I do that? "You can put nasal drops before you sleep or use a narinaire dilator to facilitate the passage of air," says Dr. Besnainou.
Overheating your room
What for? "The heat dilates the nasal mucous membranes and therefore causes a nasal obstruction," says Dr. Besnainou.
How do I do that? Prefer a cool but also slightly moistened room, as dry air can also be a contributing factor.
Sleeping without a pillow
What for? Sleeping flat can cause the nose to clog by the venous back and tongue to tip back, two factors that will clog the airways and thus cause snoring.
How do I do that? "Think about raising your headboard and Sleep Apnea Pillow to make it less snoring," advises the ENT doctor.

Enjoy the good watered dinners

What for? A hearty meal, and what is more watered, will promote snoring. Indeed, alcohol relaxes the fabrics of the palate which will vibrate more easily.
How do I do that? "Eat light at night, and don't drink alcohol before going to sleep," says Dr. Besnainou.
Taking sleeping pills
What for? "Sleeping pills promote snoring because they generate deeper sleep," says Dr. Besnainou.

How do I do that? Avoid taking these medications and, in case of sleep disturbances, turn instead to alternative medicines.

Have a few extra pounds
What for? Overweight is a major factor in snoring, as fat will reduce the diameter of the airways.
How do I do that? Monitor your weight, setting up a balanced diet and regular physical activity.
Being a smoker
What for? "Cigarettes generate an inflammatory phenomenon of the upper air pathways that generate an oedema of the mucous membranes, which causes snoring," explains Dr. Besnainou.

How do I do that? Reduce your smoking and find the right solution for quitting smoking.
Sports in the evening

What for? Playing sports shortly before bed can disturb sleep and therefore lead to snoring.
How do I do that? "You have to play sports, but not just before you go to sleep. Instead, practice it during the day on a regular basis," advises the doctor.